
Hope on the Rise, A Christmas Story

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Hope on the Rise, A Christmas Story Experience the Christmas story, kids crafts, games, food and family photos. Saturday December 21st at 1pm Emmanuel United Methodist Church on Dorey Street in Clearfield For more info go to Emmanuel United Methodist Church on Facebook

1010 Dorey St, Clearfield, PA 16830



The Clearfield Youth Orchestra Concert

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm

The Clearfield Youth Orchestra Concert Sunday, December 22 at 3:30 pm, Doors open at 2:30 At the Presbyterian Church of Clearfield on N 2nd Street in Downtown Clearfield. The concert is free and open to the public, donations will be accepted to benefit the orchestra. For more info see the Presbyterian Church of Clearfield on Facebook.

119 N 2nd St, Clearfield, PA 16830

1 - 31

January - December

Reading Ripples Program

12:00 am - 12:00 am

Clearfield Area United Way is collecting gently used and new books for their Reading Ripples programs to be distributed to area children and teens. You may drop off donations at our radio station, 801 E. DuBois Avenue, DuBois. We are open Monday – Friday from 8am until 4:30pm. For more info, visit clearfieldunitedway.org



New Year’s Eve Bingo

7:30 pm - 1:00 am

New Year’s Eve Bingo At the Clearfield County Fairgrounds Tuesday December 31st at 7:30 Perfect stocking stuffer Benefits Clearfield Fair and Park board Adult Beverages and Food available $30 Pre Purchased, $35 at the door Must be 18 Years or older with ID Get advanced tickets Now thru Dec 30th by calling 814-765-4629

5615 Park St, Clearfield, PA 16830



Winkler Gallery New Year’s Eve Fundraiser and Disco Ball

9:00 pm - 1:00 am

Winkler Gallery Studio 54 New Year’s Eve Fundraiser and Disco Ball Tuesday December 31st 9pm – 1am N. Brady Street, DuBois $54 Per person includes: Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, Music by DJ Mad Max, Champagne Toast at Midnight, Pork and Sauerkraut For more info go to Winkler Gallery & Art Education Center on Facebook.

36 N Brady St, DuBois, Pennsylvania 15801



The Coat and Sneaker Closet

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Coat and Sneaker Closet Trinity United Methodist Church in Clearfield Saturday January 4th 9 – Noon Get your kids fitted for a free pair of sneakers. There are no financial requirements. However, both parent (or guardian) and child must be present. For more info go to trinity clearfield on facebook

121 S 2nd St, Clearfield, PA 16830